Time for a story
I felt inspired when discovering this amazing chair in the woods at RHS Bridgewater, so I had to sit on it and test it out sharing stories.
In NLP we understand the importance of metaphors (stories). We know our mind responds to symbols, we had cave drawings, hieroglyphs from Egypt and nowadays it’s emoji’s, a picture can say so much.
Once Upon A Time…
Over the ages we have used metaphors in many forms which we recognise today. From myths, fables and stories with which we have a connection.
The Value of Metaphors
Metaphors appeal to the mind at an unconscious level which causes associations to be made. This is so useful when a metaphor is created and used purposefully, for example to promote problem solving and decision making.
Designing Metaphors
On our Accredited NLP Training Programmes students learn the process of designing metaphors to be used purposefully. Whether its as part of a training, presentation or working with clients and groups. The flexibility of ways to get the message across is the difference that makes the difference for an NLP trained Coach Practitioner. Its said that everyone has a story within them, learn how to make your story count.
Find out for yourself on our
next workshops
Unlock Your Potential 1 Day Workshop on 7th April or
Our 5 day NLP Coach Training starting 9th June