Got a question? This is where we have a selection of more commonly asked questions and answers. If you have one which is not covered then please get in touch with us. This section is updated regularly so it is always worth checking back from time to time.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) FAQs

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is like a handbook or instruction manual for the mind.

NLP is how to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes. By understanding language and its impact upon thinking and behaviour, you can make change in all areas of life.

Learning NLP on our accredited training or through our coaching programmes allows you to understand, getting the those “ah ha” moments to empower yourself to make the changes that you want. In other words NLP is the study of excellence and how we can model it to use on ourselves to get results.

In personal and professional development, NLP is a model of success that upon learning and experiencing you can adopt and find your difference, ultimately your best version of self. Find out more in our resources.

Let me use a passion of mine, cooking. There is a term in cooking called sous vide (vacuum sealing food then immersing in warm water) – all the chefs and keen cooks are very familiar with this process nowadays. The rest of us are unaware or haven’t heard of it. Same with NLP!

People who are interested in personal development and have heard of personal development have heard of NLP, that’s very much how I found NLP myself.

Unfortunately, a lot of people today, for many reasons are thinking about everything aside from themselves, its more about others. So they are not paying attention to inside themselves, they are paying attention to everything outside of themselves, my mission is to help them get inside and find a new perspective.

NLP has numerous applications in the fields of Business, Coaching, Wellbeing, Education, Personal Growth and Sport.

In Business the greatest asset you possess is yourself!

We all know that great performance leads to great results. Therefore, being at your best is essential to performance and ultimately impacts upon the bottom line.

NLP helps us get to overcome the barriers holding us back from performance and success. Barriers such as self-doubt, decision making, imposter syndrome, team dynamics, relationships, motivation, uncertainty and procrastination. Read more in our blog.

In Coaching NLP is key to personal and professional success.

Whether its executive coaching, workplace, therapy based or sports, NLP is the difference that makes the difference.

For qualified and those new to coaching, learn NLP and related certifications of NLP Coach, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis to take your skills and thinking to a new level, empowering your clients to make change effectively.

Feel comfortable working at any level with clients on all varieties of mental blocks and challenges

In Wellbeing NLP is the difference that makes the difference.

Looking after ourselves, self care and managing self is everything. NLP offers an approach and skills to use on ourselves and others.

In Education

As well as self-care, NLP is relevant for both teachers and students in learning environments. Being able to connect in different ways to groups to get a message across is so important when learning.

Did you know that human beings are the most effective learning machines? Take advantage and learn to develop a learning mindset to recall, remember and retain information when and where you want.

In Personal Growth

Accelerate your personal growth to move forwards and unlock your potential.

What we usually find in the way, holding us back, is ourselves. What we are thinking and what we believe about ourselves.

We want ourselves to step out of the way so we can get results.

NLP is your winner in Sport

Whatever your chosen sport, we all know that mindset is where the winning takes place.

If you want to improve your golf handicap, find confidence on the court or get into the right mindset before playing or competing, NLP can take you there.

We all need help navigating through this world of busyness, always on and information overload. When presented with a way to understand and harness mindset to unlock our own potential, it’s an obvious choice.

Check out five reasons why NLP is important in your life in our latest article.

Short answer is no, they are separate. We work more consciously in NLP compared to using  hypnosis to work directly with the unconscious mind. We can blend both approaches together or use them separately as per the nature of the challenge.

No, eye pattern access cues indicate or show how a person is thinking. 

There’s many ways NLP can help with mindset on challenges. Mindset is the difference that makes the difference. Check out this blog.

Choosing Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) as a coaching approach can max your offer for many reasons. Here are three top reasons:

Effective Communication Skills: NLP techniques focus on understanding and improving language patterns, both verbal and non-verbal. This is a game changer as it helps coaches and clients articulate their thoughts more clearly and get the message across right, first time, every time. Enhanced communication skills lead to more productive coaching sessions, as clients feel heard and understood whilst adding value to the time allocated.

Powerful Tools for Personal Change: NLP offers a wide range of tools and techniques designed to facilitate personal change. These include methods for overcoming limiting beliefs, changing unhelpful habits, and creating new, empowering  behavioural patterns (strategies). Coaches using NLP can help clients make significant, empowering shifts in their thinking and behaviour, leading to positive outcomes in all life contexts, such as career, relationships, sport and personal growth.

Goal Setting For Success: NLP places a strong emphasis on goal setting and success. Techniques such as keys to achievable outcomes, visualisation using the brains reticular activating system and anchoring can help clients clarify their goals, maintain focus and make them hugely motivational. NLP Trained Coaches can take clients through structured processes to set and achieve their desired goals or outcomes, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the coaching process to get results.

NLP is designed to be used on self as well as others, in fact it starts with self! To find out more check out our blog.

Training FAQs

At new perspective NLP Bolton, we run accredited NLP training by the largest board of NLP in the world – the ABNLP (American Board of NLP) and ABH (American Board of Hypnosis).

We offer training at different levels from entry through to Master. 

The Foundation Diploma is a basic overview of NLP  and can be completed within 2 days (corporate leadership version of 5 modules over 2.5 days available, please enquire).

The Practitioner level courses consist of either 2 or 4 certifications. Coach Practitioner consists of 2 certifications (NLP Practitioner and NLP Coach) the training lasting for 5 days.

The 4 in 1 Intensive NLP Practitioner consists of 4 certifications. (NLP Practitioner, NLP Coach, Practitioner of Time Line Therapy™ and Practitioner of Hypnosis.) the training lasting for 8 days.

After successful completion at Practitioner level,  graduates move onto training at Master Practitioner level consisting of 4 certifications (Master NLP Practitioner, Master NLP Coach, Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy™ and Master Practitioner of Hypnosis) the training lasting for 2 separate weeks.

Some of the major benefits of the 4 in 1 Practitioner NLP Training are:

4 in 1 Certifications enables our graduates to possess a skillset that allows them to coach for results in a wide range of contexts.

Communications skills elevated to such a level that graduates are able to communicate with anyone, anywhere.

Students overcome their blocks and barriers as they work on themselves in real time during the training. No role play here!

We run our trainings face to face. This enables realtime immediate constructive feedback to be given throughout the course to enable our students to become the best possible coach.

We want to make sure everyone who joins the training start at the same level of knowledge. To support this, every student gets a comprehensive preparation package to complete in advance including a portfolio, completion of online learning modules and an open book assessment to complete before the course begins.

For those who are enrolling onto our 4 in 1 training they will also receive two informative books to read as part of the preparation on Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy®.

Help is available every step of the way during this important process.

Due to the preparation involved, we recommend preparation is started at least a month before the course begins.

Check out our resources or read the feedback from recent graduates.

In today’s busy world, the need for personal growth and to improve ourselves is more important and desirable than ever. Many of us seek ways to enhance our lives, improve our communication skills and achieve our goals more effectively. One powerful tool to use for this is NLP. Find out more in our blog.

Coaching FAQs

We offer private coaching for clients as well as corporate coaching for leaders and staff.

Private coaching takes place either in the office at Bolton Arena, Horwich or online using zoom.

Corporate coaching takes place either in the workplace or the office or online, this is upon agreement by all parties involved.

This varies depending upon what work is required, we operate on blocks of 6 or 10 sessions lasting around 1 to 1.5 hours.

Frequency is usually weekly or fortnightly upon agreement.

After the initial coaching has taken place, there will always be ‘bumps on the road’ and times when we need some extra support. Clients can access a maintenance package to use as and when they need it bespoke to their needs.

Use NLP to navigate your way through the recruitment maze, making decisions with ease to get the right candidates. Find out more in our article.

Hypnosis FAQs

Hypnosis is the process of trance and learning how to go into trance in order to address mental blocks and challenges. It is extremely relaxing!

A more text book definition (one of many) ‘Hypnosis is a process which produces relaxation, distraction of the conscious mind, heightened suggestibility and increased awareness, allowing access to the unconscious mind through the imagination.  It also produces the ability to experience thoughts and images as real.’  A.M. Krasner

Find out more about this fascinating approach in our article.

The language used in marketing is known as the Milton Model which was modelled from the work of Milton Erickson, the greatest hypnotherapist of the last century. The language is purposefully vague and ambiguous to allow us to find our own meaning from it. For example, take a well known slogan from a supermarket brand “Every little helps…” and ask yourself what does that exactly mean?

Time Line Therapy® FAQs

Time Line Therapy® is a powerful process which enables people to release any inappropriate emotional responses or emotional baggage, such as anxiety, depression, fears, phobias and limiting beliefs. Time Line Therapy® is content free meaning we do not require the detail of past events.

It involves the release of the five major negative emotions of anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt. It is also used in setting goals for the future utilising your brain’s reticular activating system (RAS). We tend to blend Time Line Therapy® and NLP Coaching approaches where required.

No, Time Line Therapy® does not involve the use of hypnosis.

Any! Common examples of fears or phobias include heights, spiders, flying, water (e.g. swimming), needles and claustrophobia. We also use Time Line Therapy® to deal with specific past traumatic events which are holding us back to move forward.

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