Anchors – Your Superpower?

anchor anchorig with NLP

Anchors – Your Superpower? This blog focuses upon one of the more commonly known NLP techniques of anchors and anchoring. Learning NLP is a powerful form of self-development enabling practitioners to work with others and benefit by using to themselves. Would it be useful to feel in control, be in the right state at the […]

How to handle overwhelm

man pulling hair out, nervous, nerves, overwhelm

I am hearing increasingly more instances of overwhelm, whether it is business owners or clients so I hope you find this post useful. When facing overwhelm In the world of overwhelm, it’s tough, it can feel like pulling our hair out, maybe it’s a battle or wading through the ‘stickiest’ of mud. Wellbeing is affected, […]

Feel stuck at this time?

one way, stuck, anxiety, choice, behaviour

Who feels stuck and overwhelmed? It can be easy at the moment especially as we are surrounded by uncertainty. This can be due to what is said (for example on the media and social media) that isn’t clear, or what is not said, which is equally unclear – making us feel trapped. We may feel […]