
change your mindset

For a changing world we need a changed mindset. Most importantly, this starts inside ourselves. There will be different challenges and pressures to face over the coming weeks therefore we need to be ready. Mindset is crucial during this time, by this I mean our relationship with ourselves, our inner voice and being kind to […]

Language improves connection

speak the right language to get what you want

When working with leaders and managers on team development, sometimes they say to me “I feel like I am speaking a different language” and this can be true. We are wired differently as we are using combinations of pictures, sounds, feelings and ‘non sensory’ which make up our internal representations of what’s going on in […]

Overcome fear of flying

fear of flying

Around 6.4 million (one in ten of the population) have a fear of flying or excessive worry of air travel which impacts upon our health and wellbeing. As we anticipate a change in flying restrictions in the UK, a surge of demand for booking holidays has started. Fear, phobias and anxiety can hold us back, […]


feeling great after being stuck

We all experience feeling stuck from time to time. Feeling little or no energy to move forwards, maybe no traction or grip which can be frustrating and unhelpful yet somehow we still do it. Perhaps it turns into a ‘job’ and we become proficient, or create reasons as to why we cannot make change happen. […]

Wellbeing and NLP

NLP supports wellbeing

Looking after wellbeing is key to good health. In this world of busyness (yes it’s become a word!) and if we are not careful, we can end up being ‘always on’. Like the many gadgets that we may own and surround us they get charged up… what do you do to charge yourself up? NLP […]