
balance, new perspective nlp, coaching

How is your balance? You may be thinking that something is not quite right on the inside and it’s hard to find the right words – it seems like there is no balance. You may be feeling out of sorts. Or hearing critical voice. Or focusing more on what’s wrong rather than right Or it […]


transform change

We all know the amazing transformation that caterpillars undertake to become butterflies. How does the process of transformational change apply to ourselves when considering nlp life coaching? When considering change, for some, the first reaction is that of absolute fear, they want to run away. For others it’s the opposite, “yeah, bring it on!” with […]

Find your balance

finding balance

What do you need to find balance in your life? Not the outside, but balance on the inside. Perhaps areas such as health, relationships, career, personal growth or spirituality? We will all have values within those areas, those which link to our beliefs, behaviours and decisions which are important and motivate us. Values are what […]

Hair & Change

Hair and your response to change

I am going to be brave and ask…how are you and your hair getting on? Your current relationship with your hair can be an indicator for how we are handling change at the moment. Are you accepting? “Yay, this is me! I would never have done this before, am enjoying this look”or maybe in denial? […]