Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

hypnosis training

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Connecting and your connection to your mind One way to tap into your potential is with Hypnosis. What would happen if you learned the skills on communicating with your mind today, to ensure the future you wanted tomorrow? What is hypnosis and hypnotherapy? ‘Hypnosis is a process which produces relaxation, distraction of the conscious mind, […]


Pregnancy couple

Hypnobirthing Hypnobirthing is about letting go, letting go of misconceptions, assumptions and fear about the natural process of giving birth. Ultimately letting the female body do exactly what it has been designed to do. Hypnobirthing overview As a highly experienced hypnotherapist, I work with both mum to be and partner on their journey to giving […]

Let It Go?

Let it go to let it grow Love my garden. With this amazing weather that we have been experiencing in the UK, I have been spending more time than ever in my garden.  Made what seemed at the time like a huge decision to take the plunge and let it go so that it can […]


transform change

We all know the amazing transformation that caterpillars undertake to become butterflies. How does the process of transformational change apply to ourselves when considering nlp life coaching? When considering change, for some, the first reaction is that of absolute fear, they want to run away. For others it’s the opposite, “yeah, bring it on!” with […]