Achieve Success With 5 Top Tips

nlp students demonstrating nlp technique with success

What is your relationship with success? Do you both ‘get on’ fine or is it a little more distant resulting in disappointment? Please find our handy guide to succeeding and the mindset behind success. In Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) we focus on the study of excellence, we are curious about the thinking processes which occur […]


Woman in front of audience nervous

It’s the BIG occasion, the BIG event, how are you feeling? Let’s talk about feeling nervous! Occasionally we can experience feelings of nerves at some point in life, usually in response to an event or occasion. Perhaps a test (I distinctly remember my driving test!), giving presentations or speeches (including weddings), exams, competing, a race […]

4 Steps To Make Challenge Easier

4 Steps To Making Challenge Easier with new perspective NLP

As the new year approaches there will be many of us either already embarked upon or considering a personal challenge of some kind. Some of us do this to find out something new about ourselves, or get out of the comfort zone and learn something new. The four steps to learning can apply in any […]

Be Your Greatest Gift in 2024

Be Your Greatest Gift for 2024

Towards the end of another year dominated by challenges, taking a little time to reflect upon self and re-centre could be the best ever gift. Here are our super seven gifts for you. 1 Be present! Whilst there may be gifts around at this time of year, this is about giving of a different type. It’s […]

Are You Buying Into Black Friday?

buying strategies

With over £8bn predicted to be spent over this weekend (less than previous years) it’s worth taking a few moments to focus on the process of buying. So what is going on in our heads in relation to buying? Strategies Welcome to strategies. Strategies govern everything we do and our behaviours. We have strategies for […]

Why is NLP important in life?

you have everything you need, man by sea nlp important

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the difference that makes your difference. It is an approach with tools and technqiues that allows us to apply to all areas of life. Whether its personal growth, career, health and fitness, wellbeing, relationships, education or spirituality.  Just think about it, we need all the help we can get when […]

Get Springtime positive with our ten tips

springtime positive newperspectivenlp

How to get Springtime positive. Our ten tips for a positive mindset It’s one of those times of the year when there is an overwhelming urge to tidy and clean. Car, house, garden nothing is spared! So, what about a spring clean for your mind? Here are our top tips for finding a positive mindset […]

Overcoming Stress

relaxed woman

We all want to overcome stress. Over 50% of working Brits feel stressed at work according to a report. The report states that almost 90% of workers think about work outisde of working hours. In this blog we focus on 5 indicators of stress and tips to make a difference. Overwhelmed in overwhelm  Do you […]

Being Present

Rod Hahlo NLP Coach and NLP Trainer

Struggling to be present? Always on? Do you find the chitter chatter in your head distracting you? Getting in the way of thinking clearly and being present, in the now? Or perhaps it’s the latest social media or media on one of the many devices demanding your attention and energy. Does it feel like you […]

What’s Your Focus for 2023?

female runner goals mountain background

It’s that time of year when we hear the talk about making personal change such as resolutions, goals, challenges, diet or some form of abstinence. It can feel scary and off putting for those of us who really want to make some change and are unsure how to get going. Help is at hand. It […]