Manage the negative to reduce stress

Have you ever heard that phrase “Just one more thing…” in Columbo? What made Columbo interesting was that the crime worked in reverse, starting with a murder. Then it became all about how Columbo was going to find the murderer using endless questioning. As the suspect becomes increasing stressed and their stress levels rise, they […]
Feel stuck at this time?

Who feels stuck and overwhelmed? It can be easy at the moment especially as we are surrounded by uncertainty. This can be due to what is said (for example on the media and social media) that isn’t clear, or what is not said, which is equally unclear – making us feel trapped. We may feel […]
What’s in a Name?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] new perspective NLP – What’s in a name? The pandemic saw a lot of businesses adapt their working practices and new perspective NLP was no exception. I am a Bolton born NLP Trainer and Personal Development Coach who decided to take the plunge and become fully self employed during lockdown helping other new business […]
Anxiety at work

[vc_row columns=”1″][vc_column][vc_column_text] What keeps you awake at night? It’s Sunday night full of worry and its proving difficult going to sleep. Tossing and turning, can’t get comfortable, mind racing round and round, ticking and unticking endless mental lists, reviewing conversations and planning, feeling uncomfortably hot, staring at the clock, still awake and time to get […]
Imposter Syndrome – Am I good enough?

Self doubt and Imposter Syndrome are one of the more common problems that I find through my work with clients. What triggers this is when I hear “I’m not good enough” or “I will never be able to…” Imposter Syndrome can be a difficult and lonely place feeling a need to role model a strong […]
Flexible in mind as well as body?

We all desire and work hard (some of us extremely hard!) to achieve flexibility in our bodies. What can we do to to be flexible with our thinking to avoid conflict? How often have you been in a situation where through an exchange of communication, you felt your response could have been better and regretted […]
Find your balance

What do you need to find balance in your life? Not the outside, but balance on the inside. Perhaps areas such as health, relationships, career, personal growth or spirituality? We will all have values within those areas, those which link to our beliefs, behaviours and decisions which are important and motivate us. Values are […]