Mental Preparation Is Key To Smashing Your Best In Sport

impossible man leaping big gap mental preparation

In the pursuit of athletic greatness, physical training is just one piece of the puzzle in sport. It’s easy to focus solely on the miles logged, the weights lifted, and the laps swum. In the realm of athletics, success is often attributed to physical prowess—hours spent honing skills, perfecting technique, and pushing the limits of […]

Achieve Success With 5 Top Tips

nlp students demonstrating nlp technique with success

What is your relationship with success? Do you both ‘get on’ fine or is it a little more distant resulting in disappointment? Please find our handy guide to succeeding and the mindset behind success. In Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) we focus on the study of excellence, we are curious about the thinking processes which occur […]

Everyday Fears That Get In The Way

person jumping free from everyday fears and nerves, nervous, nervousness

What are your everday fears holding you back from? The everyday fears which limit our thinking and behaviours. You know, the ones which get in the way of doing what we want to do on our terms, preventing success. We all can have times when we are on top of our game and everything is […]

Positive About Personal Functionality

mobile phone apps new perspective nlp

I love my mobile phone, how it looks and its functionality. I am so impressed the way it handles photos and clever with editing them, how I can link to my calendar, pay for things, access documents and the list goes on and on and on. In short, I am continually amazed by its potential […]

Finding A New Direction

Have you ever experienced a lack of direction, being stuck in comfortable? Where it’s all just … ok. Nothing more. Perhaps the job is comfortable, decent pay and all the rest. Where you know all the angles, for sure there is some challenge and that’s ok, its just nothing to bounce out of bed for […]

Get Springtime positive with our ten tips

springtime positive newperspectivenlp

How to get Springtime positive. Our ten tips for a positive mindset It’s one of those times of the year when there is an overwhelming urge to tidy and clean. Car, house, garden nothing is spared! So, what about a spring clean for your mind? Here are our top tips for finding a positive mindset […]

Our Latest Graduates

happy nlp graduates

Latest Graduate Practitioners I am pleased and excited to be introducing our latest Practitioners who completed the certified NLP 4 in 1 Training last month. It’s always a feeling of pride as I reflect upon the journeys each and every one of them made to get to this point. It’s worth noting that each ‘journey’ […]

Anchors – Your Superpower?

anchor anchorig with NLP

Anchors – Your Superpower? This blog focuses upon one of the more commonly known NLP techniques of anchors and anchoring. Learning NLP is a powerful form of self-development enabling practitioners to work with others and benefit by using to themselves. Would it be useful to feel in control, be in the right state at the […]


fear of going to sleep woman

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. Phobias typically result in a rapid onset of fear and are present for more than six months. There are many people who are held back in some way by phobias and fears impacting upon them […]

New Season New Term: The Mental Load Increases

woman spinning plates

Its all new right now and that has its challenges It’s a New Year in many ways (Rosh Hashanah) a new season – Autumn and it’s a new term heraldling change and pressures for many parents, pupils and students. Summer is over, the school holidays have finished fading to distant memory as we pass the […]