Validation, are you feeling Ken–enough?

Barbie driving her car

Having recently taken my niece to watch the Barbie film I feel moved to write this blog about validation. The tag line to the trailer goes “To live in Barbie Land is to be a perfect being in a perfect place. Unless you have a full-on existential crisis. Or you’re a Ken.” Without giving too […]

Your values to success or failure?

Core values piece of jigsaw

In this blog we are discussing values, they are what are important to us. What motivates you to succeed? Some of us will be highly motivated by success and some of us will be highly motivated to succeed by a fear of failure. What’s the difference? Try each of these on to experience which is […]

Get Springtime positive with our ten tips

springtime positive newperspectivenlp

How to get Springtime positive. Our ten tips for a positive mindset It’s one of those times of the year when there is an overwhelming urge to tidy and clean. Car, house, garden nothing is spared! So, what about a spring clean for your mind? Here are our top tips for finding a positive mindset […]

Introducing our latest graduates

newperspective nlp graduates

So proud of our latest graduates, on completing the Four in One NLP training in June 2021. The graduates come from a variety of backgrounds: Coaching, Executive Coaching, Property Investment, Therapies and Business showcasing the value that NLP adds.  After completing their pre-course preparation, they were more than ready to handle the accelerated 8 day […]


balance, new perspective nlp, coaching

How is your balance? You may be thinking that something is not quite right on the inside and it’s hard to find the right words – it seems like there is no balance. You may be feeling out of sorts. Or hearing critical voice. Or focusing more on what’s wrong rather than right Or it […]


transform change

We all know the amazing transformation that caterpillars undertake to become butterflies. How does the process of transformational change apply to ourselves when considering nlp life coaching? When considering change, for some, the first reaction is that of absolute fear, they want to run away. For others it’s the opposite, “yeah, bring it on!” with […]